Archive for The Pathways Blog – Page 4

Pathways Progress – 19 November 2015

Down came the rain

We have been so blessed with the weather since we got the keys just over a year ago. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of days that rain has affected – let alone stopped play. However, along with most of the country, we have taken a rather wet bashing in recent weeks – as well as hurricane strength gails a few nights ago!

I’m very pleased to say that our wonderful polytunnel is still standing, just as proud as the day the cover went on (what a day that was). The soil all around though has taken a bit of a battering. The picture above is a shot I took during a tea break. A number of us had been trying to dig a drainage ditch along the edge of the path in an effort to stop the water flooding the field. After much, very soggy, effort and a few wellies getting stuck in the clay/mud, we called a halt to proceedings and took our enthusiasm to another, less boggy, area. Warnes and Sons very kindly donated the services of Jakey and the JCB and the drainage ditch is now well on the way to completion. Thanks Bernard and Pete.

There is a picture at the bottom of this page showing Matt calmly working away in the old milking parlour. Give him a trowel and some bricks and he doesn’t know what time of day it is… what a brilliant and highly valued member of the team. We honestly would not be where we are now if it wasn’t for Matt’s skill and dedication (thanks Deb for loaning him out).

I also need to thank a couple of other people whilst I’m at it: Jamie Wicks, who is so often at his dad’s side – passing him the bricks, knocking down old bricks, knocking up cement… you get the picture. Jem Stevens, who is almost always with me to open up and lock up at the end of the day… Jem likes order. His first job each Saturday tends to be attending to the kitchen area to ensure everything is in its place and is spotlessly clean (not an easy task in a windy and dusty 170 year old barn). He then has to get the coffee on. Unlike his dad, he is a coffee snob and has to get the real stuff on the go. Having completed the domestic chores he then mucks in with all the other tasks needed and is a great support in so many ways.

I hope to get a few people to write their own accounts of ‘A day on the farm’ so the next updates can be more about other people’s thoughts than my deliberations… should be good. If you want to contribute please email me with a few ramblings of your own and we’ll see what we can put together.

ASDA tokens

We have just received a cheque from the lovely Bev Shipp at ASDA for winning their Green Token award. Thank you so much to everyone who made the effort to get them and then locate the right slot… if you put a token in our slot by mistake we put that down to divine intervention.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get enough votes to win the funding from Onefamily Foundation but we are certainly demonstrating the true values of One Big Family as we progress this great project each week and with each group that comes.

Hay for sale

We have a lot of hay baled, stored and ready for collection. Our hay is very good quality and we are looking to sell 300 – 400 bales. If you want some or know anyone else who does please get in touch on 07711 055898.


A number of people have told me they missed the link to our video of the (amazing) display last month. If this was your experience, or if you just want to see it again, please click the image (right) and, by magic, you will be transported back to that lovely celebratory evening.

Saturday 28 November

This may be the last chance you get to come and help in 2015. The weather has been kind to us most of the year and we have made huge progress so far. Next week we have a few jobs which require manual labour (not just the bodybuilders – all strengths are welcome and will be useful), other jobs which are less physical and some which might be quite decorative! If you can make it on Saturday 28 November we would love to see you – even if you can only spare an hour, even if you haven’t been along for a while… even if you haven’t visited at all yet why not come along for a cuppa, a chat or even a tour around.

If you are around we look forward to seeing you.



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Pathways Progress – 2 November 2015

Lighting up the sky

Last Saturday we had another work party. The weather was once again beautiful and we managed to make a start on the orchard. (Thank you to Jimmy who, with no knowledge of our intentions, arrived as we were marking out the plot and donated an apple and a pear tree!) We continued with our blitz on the brambles near the reservoir and Matt and the team carried on with the plumbing for the kitchen and new toilets.

We also arranged one of our regular celebration get-togethers for later in the day and, as darkness descended, we lit the bonfire and got the BBQ fired up. Tim had been setting up the firework display (which is always worth seeing) so, based on experience, we thought we should cater for about 60 – 70 people… maybe 80?

unnamed-4Carl was cooking, I was busy talking to people as they arrived and generally enjoying myself whilst Den, Amy, Ellen and anyone called Bev, was doing all the real work behind the scenes (thank you). All of a sudden I had a word in my ear that we needed more food. With a distinct lack of loaves and fishes on hand Julia and I rushed over to Tesco and bought a load more burgers. The final estimate I had was that we catered for over 150 people!

Panic over, the fireworks began (please click on the image above to view a video of the display). What a show. People even stopped their cars on the road as they passed to watch and be royally entertained.

I’m sure I speak for everyone there in saying “Thanks Tim, great work”.

OneFamily Foundation

At the time of going to press we are 750 votes away from winning the £25,000. Thanks to everyone who has voted so far.

The voting finishes at 5.30pm tomorrow (Tuesday 3 November) so, if you have a few moments before the deadline and you haven’t voted yet please try – and if you can get 750 of your friends to do the same…

Follow this link to the Pathways page on the OneFamily website (

Register on the website using an email address (or Facebook) – Activate your account by following the link sent via email from OneFamily – the link takes you back to the Pathways page where you are able to vote.

If you’re not redirected back to the Pathways page once registered then just follow the original link to the Pathways page (above) and vote there… you never know!

Hay for sale

We have a lot of hay baled, stored and ready for collection. Our hay is very good quality and we are looking to sell 300 – 400 bales. If you want some or know anyone else who does please get in touch on 07711 055898.

Saturday 7 November

The nights are drawing in quickly and workparties become slightly harder at this time of year, however, the forecast is not too bad next week so we are having another one on Saturday 7 November for anyone who wants to get some fresh air and use up a bit of energy. You know its good for you!

If you are around we look forward to seeing you.



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Pathways Progress – 26 October 2015

Holiday reflection

I recently celebrated my 60th birthday… I know, I don’t look a day over 59! Rather than enjoy a party in the company of friends who would have said “you don’t look your age” or more likely, “you need to start taking it easy”, I went to the highlands where I enjoyed an amazing break with spectacular views and balmy late summer weather… miracles do happen.

Normally, when I return from a really good time away, I can get that – back to work – Monday morning – feeling. This time I was nearing Suffolk after driving several hundred miles and thinking “I wonder how the farm is doing… whats been going on…” This project is not only good news for the service users who will be attending, it is very good news for all of us who are involved.

Having said that I want to add that some days I wake up and think “I can’t do it. The workload is too much. Where will the money come from?” But after a few hours in the fresh air, working alongside others who are keen, dedicated and enthusiastic, all those worries disappear and equilibrium is restored. What seemed impossible is immediately back on track.

In the last update I mentioned a competition to win £25,000 from The OneFamily Foundation. The voting finishes on this one 3 November (next Tuesday). Currently we have 93 votes – the winner has about 1000. Its impossible to catch up I hear you say. No – what seemed impossible can be immediately back on track.

There are almost 250 people of this mailing list. Some of us (93 to be precise) have voted but many haven’t yet. If we all vote and get 4 or 5 friends to do the same – who knows?

The project with the most votes wins the money. Please therefore go through the following process and help us compete.

  • Follow the link to the Pathways page on the OneFamily website (
  • Register on the website using an email address (or Facebook) (or register multiple email addresses)
  • Activate your account by following the link sent via email from OneFamily – the link takes you back to the Pathways page where you are able to vote.
  • If you’re not redirected back to the Pathways page once registered then just follow the original link to the Pathways page (above) and vote there.

Please do make the effort, it may take a few minutes but the difference it could make for our work will be enormous.

31 October

The fireworks are scheduled, the bonfire is being prepared, the food is being prepared for the BBQ, the weather is due to be good… what better way to embrace autumn than a work party at the farm followed by an evening of warmth, great food and excellent company plus a Tim Wicks spectacular?

Saturday 31 October is the day (this Saturday)
Bonfire will be lit around 4.30
BBQ will start around 5 – 5.30
Fireworks should be lit about 6 – 6.15
… bring the family, bring your friends (no charge but we will have a bucket on hand for contributions). We look forward to seeing you.



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Pathways Progress – 10 October 2015

£25,000 vote now on


Having had such support and success with the Aviva funding bid we have been entered into a competition to win £25,000 from The OneFamily Foundation.

This is a straight forward, winner takes all, vote. The project with the most votes wins the money. We therefore want to encourage everyone (and your friends, relatives, neighbours, work colleagues, people you meet on the street…) to go through the following process and help us secure this incredible sum.

  • Follow the link to the Pathways page on the OneFamily website (
  • Register on the website using an email address (or Facebook) (or register multiple email addresses)
  • Activate your account by following the link sent via email from OneFamily – the link takes you back to the Pathways page where you are able to vote.
  • If you’re not redirected back to the Pathways page once registered then just follow the original link to the Pathways page (above) and vote there.

Please do make the effort, it may take a few minutes but the difference it could make for our work will be enormous.

Jobcentre Plus

Having hosted a team from the local DWP a couple of weeks ago the Great Yarmouth Jobcentre were not prepared to be outdone! They arrived en masse last week, despite a dreadful weather forecast (which fortunately turned out to be wrong) and worked their socks off (or plastic bags inside wellies!!).

A new gate was erected and huge areas of overgrowth and vicious brambles were cut down and moved to the increasingly large bonfire site ready for 31 October (see below).

Thank you so much guys, a great day and a wonderful challenge to the DWP for next year.

The fruit of our labours

As mentioned in the last Update, we have just passed our first anniversary and we celebrated with – yes – another workparty! The sun beamed down (as usual) and not only did we get loads done but we also enjoyed a wonderful, home-made autumn pudding made from fruit picked on the farm. Sorry to anyone who missed out but it didn’t last long once the vultures descended…

We had a great day (again) as over 25 people worked in groups to clear the entrance area (see below), dig trenches and lay drainage pipes in a couple of the barns, treat invasive weeds, strim large areas of overgrowth and even thin some of the wooded areas.

31 October

These workdays really have become key times for building relationships and having fun together whilst making huge improvements to the site as a whole. We regularly have guests who have visited in the past and not been for a while and, without fail, they are taken aback by the changes we have made and the way the facility is being improved.

The next planned work party is Saturday 31 October when we will finish the afternoon with a BBQ and a very large bonfire… we may even have a rather special firework display if Tim can get a new supplier in time. It is likely to be a really special time not to be missed… bring the family, we look forward to seeing you.



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Pathways Progress – 25 September 2015

One year on

Next week marks the one year anniversary of us taking possession of the farm! Its hard to imagine that its only been a year when you look around and see what we have achieved. 12 months and over 2000 volunteer hours. Even now it is easy to focus on the work ahead and feel a bit daunted but today is a day for looking back at what we have done and feeling very proud.

The support from all of you has been so good and the way the farm looks now is a testimony to every splinter, blister and aching muscle. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I was recently sent a few aerial shots taken during the construction of the new link road. The one above was taken in December 2014 and gives a very clear view of one of the key benefits for when we officially open… we are a little piece of the country in the heart of the town.

4 October 2014 was our first ever workparty on the site. What a day. So much excitement and hope for the future. The early video footage captured some of that so well. We are marking the anniversary with another workparty on Saturday 3 October. Last year we had over 30 people, who knows what will happen next week?

Things are moving so fast, work is progressing really well in the polytunnel, some of the barns are being prepared for new plumbing and electrics, additional animal enclosures are being built and garden areas are being designed and laid out. Life on the farm is never dull and you are all welcome to exert some energy, stroll around the grounds, make tea… drink tea… even just watch others work. We love being together and we love working towards a shared vision.


Hot off the press, we have just finished a wonderful day with a great group from the local DWP (Department of Works and Pensions). This is their second day on the farm – we are still talking about what was achieved a few months ago! Yesterday was no different… gates put in, fences erected, walls cleaned, trenches dug. Fantastic day – thank you all so much – here’s to the next one. (Apologies to Social Services for not giving you the write-up you deserved after your day with us – you were all brilliant as well… I’m sure you knew that already.)

Charity shop

I don’t often mention the charity shop (London Road South) but I should. The shop has been open for over 10 months and is a huge help in supporting the work of the farm. You can help too – we are after donations. We have been building a good reputation in Kirkley as the charity shop with ‘classy’ items. If any of you have bric-a-brac, DVDs, crockery etc please let us know as we would be very happy to receive it, even if you just want to pop in (Tuesday – Thursday) we would love to see you… 100% of the sales goes back into the work of the Care Farm.

Thank you all – I keep saying it and I will continue to say it. We really are so grateful and your support means so much.



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Pathways Progress – 14 September 2015

A family affair

Last Saturday started with a fair bit of rain and a small handful of people… I received a number of txts asking if we were still meeting at the farm to which the answer was “Some of us are here so feel free to come if you can.”

There was plenty to do inside the polytunnel and in the barns but, as the day went on, the sun came out and being in the fresh air started to appeal to lots of others. We had a number of families join us (including dogs) and at one point I counted more than 20 people working together on the ground in front of the tunnel, chatting, pulling weeds, making tea, eating cake (plus one lovely demonstration of sheer freedom as a couple of youngsters were enjoying the delights of a very muddy patch).

Whilst the outdoor activities were progressing well some serious demolition and trench digging was being carried out preparing the ground for water and waste pipes. Our smallish pile of hardcore grew five or six times bigger as the day went on and a very thick concrete floor was removed. I have promised the guys that we will have a hydraulic breaker on site next week rather than only having sledge hammers!

Everyone is so enthusiastic about the progress we are making and, with autumn creeping up on us quickly, we are maintaining momentum whilst we can and opening up again next Saturday (19 September) to continue with the fun.

We want to say a sincere ‘Thanks’ to all of you for your interest, your support and your hard work. This project simply wouldn’t happen without you and we look forward to welcoming as many as can make it in a few days’ time.


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Pathways Progress – 7 September 2015


What a treat. Over 60 people were able to get along to the celebration BBQ a couple of weeks ago and enjoy a great afternoon of eating and catching up with each other. We even managed to fit in a tour of the ‘estate!’ before the rain came (dead on the forecast time of 5pm). Those of us that tasted this lovely cake (and ate one or two of the amazing burgers on offer) will be looking forward with anticipation to the next social event with some anticipation.

Thanks to everyone who came along and a special thanks to those who cooked, baked and cleared up… the team effort is what makes such days an absolute joy.


We have accumulated over 1750 hours of volunteer work so far in the 11 months that we have had possession of the farm. In October we are looking to have another celebration (date to be confirmed but probably around a bonfire on Saturday 31st) which will be a chance to look back over what has been achieved and hopefully, launch the official opening…

Having the polytunnel finished has been a huge asset as we now have somewhere to work even if the rain falls… it is also a great talking point for anyone who sees it whilst driving down the new road – I have had so many people tell me “its looking like a real farm now”.

Recent work

We have had some very productive work days recently. A few weeks ago a highly enthusiastic team came along from Social Services and worked very hard preparing the site for the goat pen and finishing off bridge number two – leading to the pig enclosure (it might not be long before we have a third crossing!).

A good day was had by all – I think the phrase most heard on the day was “This is so different from my usual day’s work”.

The usual Saturday work parties continued and culminated in the completion of the goat pen just over a week ago. The enclosure is finished, the shelter is in place and the donated grass seed is starting to grow so the animals (when they arrive) will have a nutritious first meal. With a finished polytunnel and now a goat pen we are really starting to look and feel like a farm!

The next step

One of our wonderful volunteers recently said to me “A day’s physical work here is so satisfying and knowing what we are working towards is so inspiring”. I often feel like Tom Sawyer when people leave after doing a day’s, or even a few hours, work and say “Thank you”. It is us who want to thank all of you. What we have achieved so far is amazing and we really are so grateful.

We have a work party planned for next Saturday (12 September) part of which will involve indoor work so the weather is not critical (that means it will be blazing hot). If you have any time that day please do come along, it will be great to see you… and you WILL enjoy it!



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Pathways Progress – 10 August 2015

It’s up!

After hours and hours of work by so many wonderful people, the polytunnel is covered. We still have to fix the doors and the irrigation system but it’s covered and just about ready for action.

What an achievement. Thank you to everyone that held on to the precious polythene on Saturday and thank you to everyone who couldn’t be there this weekend but has been part of the process over the last few months, from digging footings to piecing together the frame, doors and side vents. An incredible effort and something to be proud of every time you drive down the new road and see it in all its glory.

Someone, who shall remain nameless, said last week “By the time you get that tunnel finished it’ll make a great Santa’s grotto”. An amusing thought, and one that may be taken up in a few months, but I’m very pleased we beat that deadline.


The last bbq, a few months ago, was a great success. Despite some heavy downpours many people were able to see the farm for the first time. We want to mark the latest progress with another one of Carl’s special meat feasts and we are having a weekend of activity: Saturday 22 August – workparty (10am – 4pm or any time within those hours); Sunday 23 August – bbq (2pm onwards).

Note: attendance on Sunday is not dependent on working on Saturday. We are keen to have as much help as possible at the workday but we would love to see you at the barbie no matter what (it would help with catering if you can drop me a line to say that you are going to join us).

Thank you

We are moving ever closer to the opening and the real job of serving local vulnerable people. An amazing thought when we look back at what the site was like last October. Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement, we are so grateful and hope to be able to say it in person in a couple of week’s time.


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Pathways Progress – 3 August 2015

Aviva funding

As many of you will by now know, we were successful in our funding bid with Aviva, who sent a film crew along to be with us when the result was announced. You can view their short film by clicking on the image above.

The next step

The recent rain storms have hindered our progress over the last few weeks. We have arrived on site a couple of times, ready to tackle the final stages of the polytunnel construction, only to be foiled by strong wind and or heavy rain… at least the pond is now full. Although we have quite a bit more work to do on that before we wanted it to be full!

If I’ve learnt anything over the last few months it’s that you can’t hurry nature. Working on the farm is nothing like working for a corporate client – and that is why this work is so therapeutic. We have to work with the seasons and within our resources and at the pace that works – not just rush around like I’ve done throughout the rest of life.

We are attempting to ‘finish’ the polytunnel (as well as tackle a number of other necessary jobs) this Saturday (8 August). If any of you are free for an hour or two please come along – the more the merrier. The rumour is that we are having summer now.

Chosen By You Given By Us (Green Tokens)

We are doing well with the Green token voting at ASDA.You may know that we have been selected to be one of the charities featured in their ‘Chosen By You Given By Us’ (Green Tokens) voting throughout July and August. When you visit ASDA please collect your Green Token and use it to vote for us on your way out. The voting station is on the far right as you enter the store. Please encourage your friends to join in.

Your support

We are so grateful to all of you who have given up valuable time to help. Without your help and support this project would not be happening. If you can come along on Saturday 8 August please do… Apparently, summer is now officially about to start!



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Pathways Progress – 13 July 2015

The polytunnel saga

A bit like the frog that always jumps half way to the pond bank and never actually reaches land, It feels like the polytunnel is one of those structures that will never actually be completely finished. Having said that, every week we get a little closer! On Saturday, work did not stop on this amazing structure and whilst the casual observer might be hard pressed to see the progress – it was a highly productive day and we actually achieved a huge amount. We all left a lot more tired but highly fulfilled.

I’m sure it will be up-and-running after the next day together (Saturday 25 July) he said hopefully.

Drainage and woodland clearing

The recent heavy heavy rain helped us to identify a drainage weakness in the main field. A ‘seagull pond’ appeared near to the bridge as water poured down to that quarter from everywhere. On Saturday we saw some sustained effort being put in to recreate the channel tunnel. A drainage ditch was dug from the unwanted surface water towards the brook… despite the rain on Sunday the pond had turned into a puddle and the excavations seemed to be working well – a great achievement.

The other thing about the weather at the moment is that weeds and nettles are growing almost as fast as they are being cut down! Saturday’s gardening team made great inroads on this front and we managed to create a huge clearing in the wooded area near the proper pond. Thanks to everyone who cut, sawed, raked, bundled, dragged and burnt. A real team effort and the results look impressive.

Chosen By You Given By Us (Green Tokens)

We have been selected by ASDA to be one of the charities featured in their ‘Chosen By You Given By Us’ (Green Tokens) voting throughout July and August. When you visit ASDA please collect your Green Token and use it to vote for us on your way out. The voting station is on the far right as you enter the store. I’ll report on how the voting is going over the next couple of updates so please make the effort and encourage your friends to help as well… Every little helps (whoops, wrong slogan). Thanks.

Training and supporting

We have had so much interest in the work of the farm from local agencies and services as well as individuals and their families. We are convinced that the facility we are bringing to life is going to be, not only a great asset to the community but also timely in regard to other services being cut. We have had enormous help in putting together the policies and procedures necessary to keep everything we do ‘on track’, safe and effective and we are deeply grateful for the hours of work that this has taken, and indeed the hours/days/weeks it has saved us.

As the day we officially open is approaching quickly we are looking at training and equipping people who are able to help us with service-users during the week throughout the autumn months. If this is something you are keen to pursue please let me know.

As always we would like to say thank you to all of you. Without your help and support this project would not be happening. It is a great feeling to know that so many wonderful people are willing to give up their precious time to help us serve vulnerable people in our community. If you can come along on Saturday 25 July please do… the sun is always shining in our corner of the world and the welcome will be even warmer.



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