Pathways Progress – 3 August 2015

Aviva funding

As many of you will by now know, we were successful in our funding bid with Aviva, who sent a film crew along to be with us when the result was announced. You can view their short film by clicking on the image above.

The next step

The recent rain storms have hindered our progress over the last few weeks. We have arrived on site a couple of times, ready to tackle the final stages of the polytunnel construction, only to be foiled by strong wind and or heavy rain… at least the pond is now full. Although we have quite a bit more work to do on that before we wanted it to be full!

If I’ve learnt anything over the last few months it’s that you can’t hurry nature. Working on the farm is nothing like working for a corporate client – and that is why this work is so therapeutic. We have to work with the seasons and within our resources and at the pace that works – not just rush around like I’ve done throughout the rest of life.

We are attempting to ‘finish’ the polytunnel (as well as tackle a number of other necessary jobs) this Saturday (8 August). If any of you are free for an hour or two please come along – the more the merrier. The rumour is that we are having summer now.

Chosen By You Given By Us (Green Tokens)

We are doing well with the Green token voting at ASDA.You may know that we have been selected to be one of the charities featured in their ‘Chosen By You Given By Us’ (Green Tokens) voting throughout July and August. When you visit ASDA please collect your Green Token and use it to vote for us on your way out. The voting station is on the far right as you enter the store. Please encourage your friends to join in.

Your support

We are so grateful to all of you who have given up valuable time to help. Without your help and support this project would not be happening. If you can come along on Saturday 8 August please do… Apparently, summer is now officially about to start!



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