Author Archive for Geoff Stevens – Page 5

Pathways Progress – 14 June 2015


Having won our group in the Aviva voting section of the funding bid we have to submit answers to further questions regarding the needs in our area and how we will specifically tackle them. We are now in the hands of the Aviva judging panel who will inform us by the end of June if we have won the money. Thanks to everyone of you who voted and got friends to vote. We will email again once we know the outcome.

A huge amount has been going on at the farm lately. Each Tuesday and Wednesday this term we have had groups of students from Great Yarmouth College coming along and clearing, cutting down, fixing, burning and having fun. They have been amazing and have worked so hard. The momentum this has created is wonderful as, every week, more and more areas of wasteland are being turned into areas of huge potential… how will we get through the summer months without them?

Last Thursday we had the pleasure of hosting a team from the Department for Work and Pension’s volunteering programme. What a day. The sun was out, everyone was keen and we were able to form four teams who worked on different parts of the farm. Putting in fence posts for the goat pen was difficult work as the ground was so hard but nothing deterred them… brambles with thorns that fought back were tamed and holes that were needed for the polytunnel feet were dug deep. It was very exciting to walk across the field from working in one area and see enthusiastic activity going on in so many other parts of the site.

Everyone that visits is truly impressed at the amount of work we have done with so little money but so much heart and passion. It is thrilling to think about how good this project is going to be and how many people it will bless because of your support and care.

Next weekend (Saturday 20 June) we are having another work day where, amongst other things, we aim to erect the polytunnel itself. This will be a massive landmark in our development as it means that we can start the very pleasurable work of growing crops. If you can make it, you’ll enjoy seeing the changes and we’ll enjoy seeing you.


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